Elongated Ears (LM) (Unusual)
The ears are round at the base, then thin down to a rounded triangular at the tips. A slight bulge at the tip is optional, but allowed. The ears are also abnormally long, and can be up to two times the length of the standard ear (can be longer than the image shown as well).
Applicable to: Lumendras
Tall Ears (RU) (Unusual)
The character has tall, triangular ears. They can be approximately the same medium-ish height as lofty ears, or higher. The inner ears can be very tall to match, or standard size. The ears have an overall triangular shape.
Applicable to: Ruptours
Kitten Ears (RU) (Unusual)
The character has short, triangular kitten-like ears.
Applicable to: Ruptours
Long Tail (RU) (Unusual)
The character has a long, furry tail. Including fur, the tail should be no wider than the character's forearms and no longer than the character's body length. The blade part of the tail comes out of the end. Blade design is completely up to the designer and does not have to resemble the blade in the example image (it simply acts as a placeholder).
Applicable to: Ruptours
[S] Mini Ram Horns (RU) (Unusual)
The character has small, ramlike horns. They can have a maximum of 3/4 of a swirl, and should be small. These horns grow from the side of the head.
Applicable to: Ruptours
[S] Angular Horns (RU) (Unusual)
The character has front-facing horns with a triangular pointe midway. These horns grow from the side of the head.
Applicable to: Ruptours
Hooked Claws (RU) (Unusual)
The claws are hooked downwards at the ends. Claws must be present on the front feet, and can be present on the back feet as well (but don't have to be).
Applicable to: Ruptours
Bat Wings (TR) (Unusual)
The wings are shaped like those of bats. This trait dictates the wing type for the tortuvina's main wings, head wings, and tail wings if applicable.
Applicable to: Tortuvinas
Standard Eyebrows (TR) (Unusual)
The character has a set of rounded or rectangular eyebrows. Size is up to the designer.
Applicable to: Tortuvinas
Dinosaur Tail (LM/TR) (Unusual)
There are small spikes on the tail. They can be any shape, as long as they are relatively small and spaced out evenly on the spie of the tail.
Applicable to: Lumendras, Tortuvinas
Plated Tail (LM/TR) (Unusual)
There is a row of overlapping scales lining the top of the tail.
Applicable to: Lumendras, Tortuvinas
[2] Tiny (LM) (Unusual)
The character has two feet on each side of their body. Overall body length is small.
Applicable to: Lumendras
Cattail Ear Feelers (LM) (Unusual)
There is a single long, rectangular cattail shape in each ear.
Applicable to: Lumendras
Heterochromia (CN/TR/RU) (Unusual)
The irises are a different color for each eye.
Applicable to: Candle noodles, Tortuvinas, Ruptours
Spiked Whiskers (LM) (Unusual)
The character has a set of spiky whiskers. There can be anywhere from 1 - 3 whiskers on each side of the face, but there must be the same amount on each side.
Applicable to: Lumendras
Rectangular Eyebrows (LM) (Unusual)
The character has a set of rectangular eyebrows. Size is up to the designer.
Applicable to: Lumendras
Hooked Snout (CN) (Unusual)
The tip of the snout hooks upwards.
Applicable to: Candle noodles
Natural Wax Charms (CN) (Unusual)
There are charms scattered throughout the wax. The charms must be from nature (ex. flowers, berries).
Applicable to: Candle noodles
Bean Feet (CN) (Unusual)
The toes resemble rounded bean-like shapes. Can have two or three toes, and one thumb on each foot.
Applicable to: Candle noodles
[S] Kitsune Flames (CN) (Unusual)
The flame has swirls at the base.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles