
Rounded Eyebrows (LM)

Rounded Eyebrows (LM) (Common)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Lumendra

The character has a set of rounded eyebrows.

Applicable to: Lumendras

Rectangular Eyebrows (LM)

Rectangular Eyebrows (LM) (Unusual)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Lumendra

The character has a set of rectangular eyebrows. Size is up to the designer.

Applicable to: Lumendras

No Eyebrows (LM)

No Eyebrows (LM) (Rare)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Lumendra

The character has no eyebrows. 

Applicable to: Lumendras

Custom Shaped Eyebrows (LM)

Custom Shaped Eyebrows (LM) (Legendary)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Lumendra

The character has a set of eyebrows. Shape of the eyebrows is up to the designer, but both eyebrows must be the same shape. Size is up to the designer.

Applicable to: Lumendras

No Eyebrows (TR)

No Eyebrows (TR) (Common)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Tortuvina

The character does not have eyebrows.

Applicable to: Tortuvinas

Standard Eyebrows (TR)

Standard Eyebrows (TR) (Unusual)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Tortuvina

The character has a set of rounded or rectangular eyebrows. Size is up to the designer.

Applicable to: Tortuvinas

Custom-Shaped Eyebrows (TR)

Custom-Shaped Eyebrows (TR) (Legendary)

Category: Eyebrows
Species: Tortuvina

The character has a set of eyebrows. Shape of the eyebrows is up to the designer, but both eyebrows must be the same shape. Size is up to the designer.

Applicable to: Tortuvinas

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