[S] Standard Flame Shape (CN) (Common)
The standard wavy flame shape.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[C] Gradient Flames (CN) (Common)
The flame has a gradient from the base of the flame to the tip.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[C] Split Flames (CN) (Common)
The flame is split half and half with two different colors.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Kitsune Flames (CN) (Unusual)
The flame has swirls at the base.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Flower Flames (CN) (Rare)
The flame shape can resemble any flower of choice.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[C] Patterned Flames (CN) (Rare)
There are markings on the flames (ideas: polka dots, stripes, etc.)
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Custom Shaped Flames (CN) (Legendary)
The flame shape can resemble anything of the designer's choice.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Ghost Friend Flames (CN) (Legendary)
The flames are made up of ghost-like shapes. They must each have a face, There can be up to three from each flame point, and they are sentient.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S/C] Mismatched Flames (CN) (Legendary)
Different flame traits (can be a combination of multiple) can be applied to the head vs. tail flames, so that they do not look the same.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Bat Ghost Flames (CN) (Restricted)
The flames are made up of ghost-like shapes with bat wings. There can be up to three from each flame point, and they are sentient. Having different amounts at the head vs. tail flame point requires the mismatch flame trait.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Bunbun Flames (CN) (Restricted)
The flames are made up of round, bunny-like shapes. There can only be one from each flame point, and they are sentient.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[C] Standard Flame Coloration (CN) (Common)
Solid colored flames. Slight stylization to add shading/a light spot in the center is allowed.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
Multi-Flame (CN) (Legendary)
Allows for multiple primary flames (should all look the same) instead of just one on the head and/or tail. This trait cannot be used if a flame trait already specifies the amount of flames allowed from one flame point. Mismatch flames is not required for there to be different amounts of flames on the head vs. tail.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles
[S] Butterfly Flames (CN) (Restricted)
The flames are made up of butterfly-like shapes. There can only be up to three from each flame point. They are sentient, and can flutter around. Having different amounts at the head vs. tail flame point does not require the mismatch flame trait.
Applicable to: Candle Noodles