

Comet (Ruptour Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the comet shard (charm) or comet potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 6 traits (view all traits here) for ruptours.

  1. Comet Wings
  2. Comet Tail
  3. Comet Unihorn
  4. Comet Horns
  5. Comet Tusks
  6. Light Trail

Wyvern (Ruptour Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the wyvern horn (charm) or wyvern potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for ruptours.

  1. Wyvern Wings
  2. Wyvern Horns
  3. Webbed Ears
  4. Spiked Tail
  5. Wyvern Fangs
  6. Forked Tongue
  7. Body Spikes
  8. Face Spikes

Thunderstrike (Tortuvina Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the thunderbolt (charm) or thunderstrike potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for tortuvinas.

  1. Thunderstrike Wings
  2. Bolt Eyes
  3. Snout Horns
  4. Thunderstrike Horns
  5. Thunderstrike Tail
  6. Thunderstrike Fangs
  7. Storming Mist
  8. Electric Crackle

Alien (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the alien envelope (charm) or alien potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Quadruple Eyes
  2. Extended Eyes
  3. Alien Horns
  4. Space Eyes
  5. Orbitals
  6. Alien Lure
  7. Alien Spines
  8. Constellation Markings

Sheep (Candle Noodle Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the woolly clump (charm) or sheep potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for candle noodles.

  1. Woolly Wax
  2. Bighorns
  3. Sheep Ears
  4. Sheep Tail
  5. Nub Horns
  6. Woolly Tail
  7. Sheep Eyes
  8. Plant Growth
Ocean Angel

Ocean Angel (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the blue jelly (charm) or ocean angel potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Ocean Angel Ears
  2. Ocean Angel Wings
  3. Wispy Tail
  4. Angel's Tiara
  5. Angel Rings
  6. Glowing Markings
  7. Wispy Tendrils
  8. Gel Body
Crystalline Soul

Crystalline Soul (Ruptour Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the crystal torch (charm) or crystalline soul potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for ruptours.

  1. Crystal Fangs
  2. Crystal Tail
  3. Crystal Claws
  4. Floating Crystals
  5. Crystal Body
  6. Crystal Growth
  7. Soul Fabric
  8. Crystallized Fur

Frostborne (Tortuvina Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the frost arrow (charm) or frostborne potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for tortuvinas.

  1. Frostborne Wings
  2. Ice Body
  3. Sigil
  4. Ice Armor
  5. Ice Rings
  6. Frosty Essence
  7. Glowing Markings
  8. Frostborne Beak
Armored Scorpion

Armored Scorpion (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the scorpion poison (charm) or armored scorpion potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Scorpion Tail
  2. Scorpion Ears
  3. Scorpion Horns
  4. Scorpion Pincers
  5. Scorpion Plating
  6. Sting Lantern
  7. Scorpion Legs
  8. Body Spikes
Comet Moth

Comet Moth (Tortuvina Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the leafy pot (charm) or comet moth potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 7 traits (view all traits here) for tortuvinas.

  1. Comet Moth Wings
  2. Beaded Eyes
  3. Moth Tail
  4. Moth-Winged Eyelashes
  5. Moth Feelers
  6. Moth Mane
  7. Moth Trailers

Mermaid (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the reef water (charm) or mermaid potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 7 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Mermaid's Gaze
  2. Dewdrop Lashes
  3. Coral Horns
  4. Mermaid Tail
  5. Mermaid's Locks
  6. Fins
  7. Back Fin
Sea Dragon

Sea Dragon (Tortuvina Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the black pearl (charm) or sea dragon potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 7 traits (view all traits here) for tortuvinas.

  1. Sea Dragon Wings
  2. Sea Dragon Tail
  3. Leafy Lashes
  4. Sea Dragon Spines
  5. Sea Dragon Stripes
  6. Sea Dragon Antennae
  7. Tidal Rings

Lovely (Ruptour Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the lovely locket (charm) or lovely potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 9 traits (view all traits here) for ruptours.

  1. Lovely Ears
  2. Heart Horns
  3. Crest Wings
  4. Lovely Wings
  5. Lovely Tail
  6. Lovely Tail Topper
  7. Winged Ears
  8. Runic Heart
  9. Sparkly Fur

Nudibranch (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the vibrant coral (charm) or nudibranch potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 7 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Prong Rhinophores
  2. Nudibranch Tail
  3. Blob
  4. Bushy Cerata
  5. Spiked Cerata
  6. Nudibranch Frills
  7. Shell
Spirit Bat

Spirit Bat (Candle Noodle Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the bat dagger (charm) or spirit bat potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 9 traits (view all traits here) for candle noodles.

  1. Bat Ghost Flames
  2. Bat-Winged Eyelashes
  3. Bat Wings
  4. Bat-Winged Tail
  5. Bat-Winged Ears
  6. Bat Wax Coverage
  7. Bat Nose
  8. Spirit Horns
  9. Spirit Markings

Windweaver (Ruptour Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the zephyr flute (charm) or windweaver potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 6 traits (view all traits here) for ruptours.

  1. Windweaver's Ears
  2. Windweaver's Tail
  3. Windweaver's Wings
  4. Essence of Wind
  5. Windweaver's Fetlocks
  6. Windweaver's Breath
Forest Sprite

Forest Sprite (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the forest map (charm) or forest sprite potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 8 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Spritely Wings
  2. Spritely Flutter
  3. Overgrowth Ear Feelers
  4. Forest Tail
  5. Forest Ruffs
  6. Forest Step
  7. Forest Growth
  8. Sprite Antennae

Croissant (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the mini croissant (charm) or croissant potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 7 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Croissant Ears
  2. Croissant Horns
  3. Croissant Tail
  4. Loaf Tail
  5. Furred Mane
  6. Furred Body
  7. Bread Body
Bush Viper

Bush Viper (Tortuvina Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the viper herbs (charm) or bush viper potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 5 traits (view all traits here) for tortuvinas.

  1. Viper Wings
  2. Viper Eyes
  3. Viper Scales
  4. Viper Face Spikes
  5. Viper Fangs
King Cobra

King Cobra (Lumendra Subtype)

Traits from this set can be obtained through the cobra carver (charm) or king cobra potion (potion).

This set contains a total of 5 traits (view all traits here) for lumendras.

  1. Cobra Eyes
  2. Cobra Tail
  3. Cobra Scales
  4. Cobra Fangs
  5. Cobra Hood
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