Gembats love hugs, but be careful not to get headbutted! Their forehead gems can be pretty hard…
Grumblits are very energetic critters, and can jump surprisingly high. When threatened, they lower their head and headbutt the enemy like a bull.
Nobody has ever seen a sphowlx fly. They have only ever been seen relaxing in very uncomfortable but majestic-looking poses.
Wispards are often found lounging in hot springs. Heat seems to give them energy.
Depthols are the fastest swimmers in Faia. Theoretically, a group of depthols swimming in a circular motion can create an underwater hurricane.
The runes on their shells are yet to be deciphered. Rumor says they are the words to ancient spells.
It is said that when one of each variation comes together, they can summon a bridge to the rainbow island.
Mushbuns have an acute sense of smell, and are able to easily identify different plants. They are every herbalist’s dream companion.
Sproot hierarchy is entirely dependent on fluff size. Although, female sproots have naturally larger fluff than males, which leaves the boys little chance to lead a flock.
When booshas feel threatened, they curl up and pretend to be a bush. It typically doesn’t work.
These forest critters have a passion for fashion. Many travelers have reported their hat, shoes, or even jacket being stolen by a group of poosums.
Is the jellyfish in charge or is the fish in charge? Or are they both in charge?
These little fish are commonly found in the oceans of Faia. They love cuddles and eating sand!
Smorkip camouflage quite well in Aylsera’s whiteland environment; so well that sometimes they can’t find each other.
Keetadoars are often seen in dreams. Due to this, seeing one in real life is often mistaken for a hallucination.
Named for their insane mouth to body ratio, these critters enjoy biting cardboard and Faians. Thankfully, they are easily quelled with food.