The Magic of Faia

  • Authors: spectralswan (Writer) , iinkt (Concepting)

  • Faia’s magic functions from four magic affinities, all corresponding to the four creation deities: Arcane, Beast, Divine, and Fae. Each affinity is sourced from certain qualities that can be found in the corresponding deity, and Faians displaying those qualities are able to build more connection and strength in that affinity.

    Affinities and Sources

    • The source of Arcane magic is intelligence, wisdom, and wit. Those with the ability to plan, ideate, and create have the strongest connection to this magic, as it idealizes the pursuit of mental growth and knowledge. 
    • The source of Beast magic is determination, loyalty, and fervor. Those who are physically driven and prepared to tackle challenges head-on have the strongest connection to this magic. Enthusiasm and passion are rewarded with contagion to those that they lead.
    • The source of Divine magic is spirituality and morality, more than the others. Those who are devoted, honest, and genuine have the strongest connection to this magic. Divine mages find themselves more intuitive and capable in the pursuit of truth.
    • The source of Fae magic is whimsy, pure love, and creativity. Those who enjoy the creative process and leave others feeling inspired have the strongest connection to this magic. Mastering the art of fae magic is an endless pursuit of beauty. 

    The deities keep their power pools in pockets of the void of the universe. Whenever a soul leaves the afterlife, its material is recycled into power, then distributed into each deities’ power pool. Using affinity magic is essentially borrowing magic from the deities themselves, and no real ‘payback’ is necessary during Faians’ lifetimes thanks to this replenishing system. And of course, the deities’ immense power means that even the largest spells do not create a noticeable dent.

    The lightkeeper species of Faia are blessed by the deities, which creates a permanent connection to the deities and their power. Through their blessing, every Faian is technically capable of accessing the deities’ affinity pools; they just need to learn how. The ‘path’ to the deities’ power pools all comes down to mentally finding the connection. Depending on a Faian’s qualities, connections with different deities can be stronger and easier to find than others. Extremely rarely, Faians may stumble upon a path on their own; typically the affinity they have the strongest connection to, although specific circumstances can influence the course of their path.

    However, in most cases, Faians must use an affinity totem to reach an affinity pool for the first time. Affinity totems were created to momentarily amplify a connection to a certain affinity, making the path clear to the user. While it is theoretically possible to align to any of the affinities using the correct totem, some Faians may gravitate towards certain affinities due to personality, or shy away from certain affinities due to character flaws, trauma, or other life experiences. Forcing a certain affinity using a totem is also not guaranteed to work if a Faian’s original connection is too weak.

    As soon as a Faian takes magic from an affinity pool for the first time, they officially secure the connection and sever all other connections. Growth in magic is essentially strengthening the secured connection and accessing it easier. While it is still possible to follow multiple deities after this point, Faians can only access one affinity in their lifetime. 
