<a href="https://www.realmoffaia.com/world/items?name=Beast Totem" class="display-item">Beast Totem</a>

Beast Totem

Category: Affinity

A full beast totem. This item can be used to activate your character's beast affinity. To activate your character's affinity, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the profile of the character whose affinity you'd like to activate, and create a design update request (click update design).
  2. In the comments, type in "Beast affinity activation".
  3. Upload the same masterlist image. Do NOT make changes to the design; if you would like to redesign your character, you will need to wait and make a separate design update request!
  4. Under inventory add-ons, attach this item.
  5. In the trait section, add the trait beast affinity.

A mod will approve the design update with the new affinity trait,, making them eligible to participate in raids and the Mage's Academy (guide here).

Obtained from: crafting, exploration


Purchaseable At: