Design and MYO Creation Guide

Created: 20 November 2024, 14:39:36 EST
Last updated: 4 January 2025, 21:58:32 EST

Design Rules & Info


Each species has a list of required trait categories, meaning there must be one trait from each category listed when submitting the character! There are also sometimes subcategories within trait categories, denoted by a bracketed tag before the trait name (ex. [P] Custom Pupil).

Certain trait categories are also shared between species. In these cases, the traits that are specific to one are denoted by the species specification as well as the species tag (ex. Wavy Iris (CN)). Traits unspecified to one species are available to all species that share that category.

Each MYO ticket is assigned a rarity, and this determines what traits are allowed for that MYO (the rarity and below). Additional traits of rarer tiers can be added using trait spells, or potions/charms if adding restricted traits. The traits are ascending in rarity as follows: Common, Unusual, Rare, Legendary.

Clothing and Accessory Rules

  1. All accessories must be attached to the character in a logical way. No floating accessories!
  2. If an accessory physically covers a trait, there must be a cutaway reference showing the character without that accessory.
  3. Accessories cannot mimic a trait to the point where it could be mistaken for that trait. For example:
    • ALLOWED: a headband with horns that is very clearly a cloth headband
    • NOT ALLOWED: a highly concealed headband with realistic horns
  4. If an accessory could be mistaken to be part of the character’s body, there must be a cutaway reference showing the character without that accessory. An exception to this is small items stuck into a character's fur, as long as they don't look like they're growing out of the fur.

Miscellaneous Rules

  1. Anatomical changes are not allowed without the appropriate traits (which also may not exist).
  2. The reference must be the main image.
  3. The reference must clearly show the eyes and eye traits. If the artist’s art style doesn’t allow for this, this can be done through a cutaway ref of the eyes.
  4. The reference can be minimally rendered, but rendering should not hinder color-picking or create shadows that look like markings.
  5. Critters (pets) should not be included on the ref, even if they are attached to the character.

MYO Creation & Submission

To submit your own design, you will need a MYO ticket. These can be obtained from the general shop, crafting, MYO events, and more. Instructions on how to turn the item MYO ticket into a MYO slot can be found in each MYO ticket's item description.

Once you have turned your MYO ticket into a slot, you can access it from my MYO slots. To submit your own design, follow the steps below.

  1. Create your submission: Click the MYO slot you would like to use. On the left sidebar, select 'Submit MYO Design' (bottom-most option), and then click 'Create Request'. You now have a MYO slot approval draft. Note that you can save your progress at each step, so you do not need to complete it all at once.
  2. Comments: You MUST make note of any additional items used here! For example, if you use a reindeer potion to apply reindeer antlers, write "Reindeer potion: +reindeer antlers" in the comments section.
  3. Masterlist Image: Upload your masterlist image here. It should be no larger than 1500x1500 px. If you would like to upload an icon, turn off 'use image cropper' and upload it there. If the designer and/or artist have onsite accounts, select their usernames from the left dropdown menues. If not, use the right boxes to link to their offsite socials.
  4. Add-Ons: This is where you can apply extra items to add traits of a higher rarity / restricted traits. Any items used here must be noted in the Comments.
  5. Traits: Add all traits here. Use the required trait categories above as a checklist to make sure all traits have been added. Some traits have multiple versions with the same name for different species, marked by the species' 2-letter abbreviation. Make sure you are selecting the right one! The character rarity is locked to the rarity of the MYO, but if you use higher-rarity traits, a mod wil manually edit that for you.

Once everything is ready, go back to the Status page and click Submit Request! A moderator will process it as soon as possible.

Candle Noodles (CN)

View the Visual Trait Guide for Candle Noodles Here!

Required Trait Categories

  1. Eyes (required: 1 [P] pupil trait & 1 [I] iris trait)
    • [P] = Pupil shape trait
    • [I] = Iris shape trait
    • (note: link may include Eye traits for other species)
  2. Wax (required: 1 [CVG] coverage trait & 1 [Q] quality trait)
    • [CVG] = Wax coverage trait
    • [Q] = Wax quality (texture) trait
    • [M] = Markings trait
  3. Flames (required: 1 [S] shape trait 1 [C] coloration trait)
    • [S] = Flame shape trait
    • [C] = Flame coloration trait
  4. Feet
  5. Snout
  6. Fangs

Key & Untraited Features

  • Head & Tail Flames: 'Flames' trait (by default, the flames are matching).
    • Wicks are optional!
  • Wax-covered lop ears (can be modified by restricted ear traits)
  • Lizard-like tail shape (can be modified by restricted tail traits)
  • Cat-like paw beans (untraited)
  • Forked tongue (untraited)

Anatomy Diagrams


anatomy guide by iinkt

Anatomy Diagram Notes Transcription

  • Wax covers ears by default. It (wax) varies between individuals.
  • Forked tongue.
  • Magic flames come from the wick on the head and tail. Flame brightness is usually an indicator of health.
  • Length changes anatomy. Longer noodles have more ribs!
  • Candle Noodles are usually between the size of a large dog and a tiger.

Lumendras (LM)

View the Visual Trait Guide for Lumendras here!

Required Trait Categories

  1. Eyebrows
  2. Whiskers
  3. Ears
  4. Ear Feelers
  5. Body Length
  6. Tail (note: link may include Tail traits for other species)

Key & Untraited Features

  • Matching lantern lures on the head and tail
  • Beaded eyes OR dark sclera (no pupils allowed)
  • Tiny nub feet with cat-like paw beans

Anatomy Diagrams


anatomy guide by iinkt

Anatomy Diagram Notes Transcription

  • Lantern lures vary between individuals, but match on both the head and tail lure.
  • Beaded eyes, and no teeth!
  • Whiskers and feelers are very sensitive.
  • The main purpose of the Lumendra's tail is fat storage, aside from also being the location of the second lure.
  • Feet are padded to protect their skin and aid in walking.
  • They are found with very diverse proportions!
  • Lumendras are about the size of a small dog.
  • Lumendras do not have bones!
  • Their bodies are very sensitive to the environment. Their skin is very permeable, and they need to live in moist and humid environments to survive naturally.

Tortuvinas (TR)

View the Visual Trait Guide for Tortuvinas here!

Required Trait Categories

  1. Eyes (required: 1 [P] pupil trait & 1 [I] iris trait)
    • [P] = Pupil shape trait
    • [I] = Iris shape trait
    • (note: link may include Eye traits for other species)
  2. Eyebrows
  3. Tail (note: link may include Tail traits for other species)
  4. Wings

Key & Untraited Features

  • Visual design reminiscent of tortoises
  • Mist covering the back (can also be placed on other parts of the body)
  • Four main wings and one pair of (matching) head wings (this is the 'Wings' trait)

Anatomy Diagrams


anatomy guide by iinkt

Anatomy Diagram Notes Transcription

  • Softly glowing mist covers their backs, and sometimes other parts of their bodies.
  • Tortuvinas have four main wings, with an additional two on their head. This wing type is consistent across the body.
  • Underneath the mist is a skin akin to reptiles. They have a generally wide, flattened shape, with their organs spread horizontally to fit. However, Tortuvinas are not ever really missing their mist.
  • Wing anatomy varies by trait.
  • Tortuvinas are approximately the size of an elephant.
  • A Tortuvina's heart and lungs are very large, to aid in flight. Their bones are also hollow, to reduce weight/strain.

Ruptours (RU)

View the Visual Trait Guide for Ruptours here!

Required Trait Categories

  1. Eyes (required: 1 [P] pupil trait & 1 [I] iris trait)
    • [P] = Pupil shape trait
    • [I] = Iris shape trait
    • (note: link may include Eye traits for other species)
  2. Horns (required: 1 [S] horn trait)
    • [S] = Side-growing horn trait
  3. Ears
  4. Claws
  5. Tail

Key & Untraited Features

  • Feline anatomy
  • Sword tail, design is up to the creator as long as there is at least 1 sharp edge.
  • Retractable wings on the front leg

Anatomy Diagrams


anatomy guide by iinkt

Anatomy Diagram Notes Transcription

  • Sword design can vary a LOT! Not even always a sword.
  • Ruptours have gliding wings. Depending on the Ruptour, the wing may expand or unfold in order for it to glide.
  • Tend to be very fluffy!
  • Modern-day Ruptours must be freed from the amulets they were trapped inside of!
  • Usually between the size of a housecat and a tiger.
  • Bone transitions into the sword. The sword is made ofa semi-flexible, but very strong, body material. It actually contains blood vessels, allowing Ruptours to manipulate their tails.